National Airlines Council of Canada announces new President and CEO

Kanada suurimaid lennuettevõtjaid esindav kaubandusühendus National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC) teatas täna Massimo Bergamini nimetamisest oma uueks presidendiks ja tegevjuhiks alates 5. detsembrist 2016.

„Meil on väga hea meel, et Massimo Bergamini liitus NACC meeskonnaga, tuues endaga kaasa laialdase avalikkuse huvi ja propageerimise asjatundlikkuse. Massimo on töötanud rohkem kui 25 aastat valitsussuhete, poliitika ja avalike suhete vallas ning tema juhtimise ja juhendamisega ootame meie organisatsiooni tähtsa töö edendamist," ütles NACC direktorite nõukogu esimees Mike McNaney.

Enne NACC-ga liitumist oli hr Bergamini Kanada akrediteeritud loomaaedade ja akvaariumide (CAZA) tegevdirektor ning aitas laiendada organisatsiooni mõjuvõimu ja tõsta selle profiili Kanadas ja välismaal.

“Mr. Bergamini’s previous experience includes, founding, in 2008, InterChange Public Affairs, through which he provided government relations, communications and management consulting services to a broad range of clients, including federal, provincial and municipal governments as well as not- for-profit organizations.  Prior to this, he managed government relations for the City of Montreal, where he headed its infrastructure lobby efforts.  He also led the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ national campaign for a New Deal for Cities as well as its push for long-term infrastructure funding.”

“It is very exciting to join the National Airlines Council of Canada at such a critical time.  With the Canadian airline industry facing change on a number of fronts including the regulatory environment, I look forward to working closely with government, industry partners and all stakeholders to ensure Canadians continue to enjoy the benefits of having the best, most efficient air transport system in the world today,” said Mr. Bergamini.